How you can donate and help HDCC AND THE WIDER COMMUNITY that we serve
Our church relies on donations from its regular members and those in the wider community. If you can donate to the church and the amazing work of the food bank that supports over 80 local families, it would be greatly appreciated. We also need to build a new church - a church that will stand tall for Headley Down's residents for the next generation. We have ambitious plans and are actively fundraising, but every pound counts. So if you would like to help us hit our target please donate using the details below. If you can gift aid your donation, please download and complete the gift aid form by clicking on the orange button below and kindly email it to finance@headleydown.com
HERE ARE THE 4 ways you can donate - thank you!
1. donate In Person at our church services

2. donate ONLINe for the church & Food Bank
Headley Down Community Church
Sort code: 30-93-94
Account No: 00829231

3. donate ONLINE for the building fund
Headley Down Community Church

Sort code: 30-93-94
Account No: 00829452
4. donate By CARD READER at church services/ events