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Christian Booklet


October is with us more quickly than any of us thought or any of us would desire, and so begins the countdown to the various Autumnal events that mark the commercial calendar at this time of year, being the end of October through to the beginning of November. I would like us to forget all that for the moment and, for a change, focus on the God we worship.


Having been with HDCC for over 30 years, I have seen many changes in the way we worship our God, resulting in, at present, a modern, forward- thinking church with modern worship songs, as well as one or two old favourite hymns thrown into our worship repertoire. One of the most popular is ‘Way-maker’, written in 2015 by a Nigerian singer called Sinach. The chorus of the song gives a concise and perfect description of the character of our God. It goes, ‘Way-maker, miracle – worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness. My God, that is who you are!’ This is repeated numerous times throughout the song, as it should be, to firmly fix it in our minds.


Indeed, one or two of the congregation have tops with those very words printed on them. When life is going well, and problems seem to disappear with solutions presented before us; have you considered that God is making the way straight for us? ‘I am the Way, the truth and the life’ a ‘Waymaker.’  


Speaking from personal experience, have you, or close family come through an illness or a crisis of a loved one recently, with recovery after fervent prayer. The skills of surgeons and doctors often seem miraculous. Through God, a miracle-worker.  


God does not promise to keep you free of trials and tribulations, but if you are true to Him, He does promise to help guide you through them to the other side. We at HDCC have experienced this. A promise -keeper.


In the world we presently inhabit, with conflicts, natural disasters, and a feeling of self-preservation in our society, there is one on whom we can depend. God offers a constant light of hope in a sometimes, evil world of darkness around us. Focus on His light. A light in the darkness.


If we keep these characteristics in our minds, and call on them, and depend on them, then life will feel much better going forward. Look up the song if you have a chance on You Tube. I hope you find it an uplifting experience.


Thought for the Day WAYMAKER – Isaiah 43: 15-16 - the song’s inspiration.


“I am the Lord, your Holy One the Creator of Israel, your king, who makes a way through the sea and a path through the mighty waters”


Other Events--


Tuesdays          10.00 – 12.00                Chatterboxes

                         12.30 – 2.00pm


Wednesdays     1.00pm-3.00pm            Food bank Lunches (sandwiches toastie or a Ploughman’s with some chat thrown in)


Fridays              10.30am – 1.30pm        Coffee Time


For more information on any services or activities at Headley Down CC or the Food Bank, please contact Pauline Firman on 07929 908406

                                                              Leader                        Preacher

October 6th      Morning Service          John Russell                Rev E Knifton


October 13th     Morning Service         Rev E Knifton             J Gilbertson


October 20th     Family Communion     Julian G                     John Russell


October 27th     All Age Service           John Russell             Cathie Russell


Morning Prayers

Every Thursday and Saturday morning 9.00 to 9.40am through Zoom meeting - please enquire for details.


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